SKILL-ORIENTED ALGEBRA, VERSION V and MATHEMATICS, BASIC SKILLS by Alfred D'Attore Aside from fixing some minor bugs, version V deletes the ASCII form of the manual. (See below.) Additionally, an attempt was made to provide printer formatting for Epson and HP-compatible ink jets. Applicable files are EPINKJET.PRN and HPINKJET.PRN. Successful tests were conducted with the Epson Stylus 800 printer and the Hewlett-Packar 310 Inkjet. Both program groups are designated FREEWARE. The "enclosed" software reflects the latest revision. As you might guess, documentation (accompanying the printed exercise programs) pertains exclusively to "Skill-Oriented Algebra." It is presented herein in three forms: 1. AmiPro word processor: SOA.SAM and CATALOG.SAM. 2. WordPerfect for Windows: SOA.WP and CATALOG.WP. 3. WORD for Windows: SOA.DOC and CATALOG.DOC. Since SOA is so dependent upon page formatting, I have decided to forego the ASCII presentation, (formally SOA.TXT). However, the ASCII version of the catalog is retained. In all the manual presentaions, True Type typefaces were used to maximize compatibity. They all contain fully applicable "Contents" pages, with tests and word problems formatted properly for copying and direct, in-class use. ******************** OPERATING PROCEDURES ******************** "SOA" and "MBS" are both compressed files. To properly install the programs, command "Install B: C:," for example, or more generally, "Install Origin Disk Drive, space, Destination Disk Drive." The two program groups will be placed in separate directories and expanded therein. Note! Install C: C: (or equivalent) is adequate to install to the same drive. Command "SOA" within the algebra group and "BASICS" within the Basic Math group, to get to the respective MENUS. Notice that in all the following setups, SOA exercises can be printed to the screen. The display scrolls by very quickly, but a touch of the space bar will stop the display. Touching it again will recommence the display. Regrettably, for modern, high speed personal computers, the display may be too fast for a user to "catch it" quickly enough for appropriate review. Ideally, "one screen at a time" should be provided. But at this stage in SOA's development, such is simply not practical. However, I did provide automatic "stops" at the end of the each exercise page, just before the answers are provided. This should help. Keep in mind, please, that this software provides printed exercises. The screen "preview" was added as a convenience feature only. SETUP ONE ********* SOA is configured to print using HP Laser Jet printer codes, (PCL 4). If your printer responds to this standard, and if it is not an ink jet printer (see below), the operating procedures are very brief: Assuming you are "in" the SOA directory, command SOA. You will be put into the MENU immediately. Use the cursor up/down keys to highlight your choice and hit RETURN (ENTER). Proceed as indicated. (Those with non-HP laser printers should use the default setting notwithstanding IBM or Epson compatibility. The reason relates to proper spacing of printed exercises.) SETUP TWO ********* Wherein the printer is not HP PCL 4 compatible, or the user has a dot matrix or "daisy wheel" printer. Command PSETUP, (that is, highlight the command and press Return). A listing is provided. If the user's printer is contained therein, or if there is one listed that has comparable printer codes; then choose "e," and input the printer filename with or without the ".PRN" appendage. The user will then be returned to the MENU. Printer configuration is now complete. Proceed as above. Those with Ink jet printers should try HPINKJET.PRN or EPINKJET.PRN. SETUP THREE *********** Note SETUP TWO, above. If your printer is not listed, and if -- further -- there are none with comparable printer codes; command "s," and hit Return, (Enter). Then armed with your printer manual (containing the printer codes), follow directions as indicated exactly. Use base 10 integers only, (no hexadecimal). Keep in mind whem formatting for ink jet printers, the printed portion of the page is smaller than normal. Decrease "line spacing" by 1/48th to 1/45th inch. "Page size" will decrease proportionally. When inputs are complete, you will be asked the name for this new printer file. Use eight characters or less and no appendage; this latter will be added automatically. After which, you will be asked if you want this file trans- ferred to "USERP.PRN," the working file for SOA. If you answer "yes," this will be the printer file through which SOA will output its exercises and tests. You will be returned to the MENU. If you make a mistake, simply exit the program and start again. For MSB, (Mathematics, Basic Skills), commanding "Basics" while "in" the BASICS directory, will bring you to its "MENU." From that point onward, operations with MBS mirror SOA exactly. Except for the obvious differences, procedures are the same. While entering dates on programmed exercises, the user is reminded that commas and semicolons are delimiters and should not be used. The military annotation is suggested, to wit: October 11, 1994 would be written as 11 Oct 94. July 5, 1994 would be 5 Jul 94. The form is concise and needs no "delimiters." If the standard form must be used together with its comma, the full date must be enclosed in quotes. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. My CompuServe address is 75222,1254. I will list this file with SCIENCE\MATHEMATICS and IBMNET\SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS\MATHEMATICS. Please direct letter correspondence to -- Alfred D'Attore 1300 South Farm View Drive Apartment B-21 Dover, Delaware 19904 USA